The Details
Year: 2004
Manufacturer: Mazda
Make: Mazda 6 Luxury Sports
Colour Code: Canary Yellow
Condition: Light swirling
Paint Type: Medium-hard
This mint condition Mazda 6 Luxury Sports was bought in 2013 from a loving owner who took great care of the car and hardly ever drove it. Unfortunately however, no at home care could have prevented the harsh acid rain etching that was apparent on the windows. It was brought in to us by the new owner for light paint correction, glass polishing and both glass and paint protection.
Light swirls visible around the sun spot.
Light swirling surrounding the LED light spots. For this particular car, swirls showed up better under LED lighting than halogen. It’s always important to carry a mixture of single LED, halogen, fluorescent and metal halide light sources to spot defects accurately. Corrected with a mixture of Lake Country CCS Yellow x Scholl Concepts S3 Gold, Lake Country CCS Green x Menzerna PF2500 and Lake Country CCS Black x Menzerna SF4000 Serious rain etching on the windows.Corrected with a felt pad and Duragloss Nu-Glass Glass Polish. It is important to remember that glass is actually harder than the paint you work on. Therefore, coarser pads and compounds are the only tools available that can actually correct glass. For further correction, Cerium Oxide is used however the client was happy with the results to proceed further.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, plastic is much softer than paint, meaning light pads and compounds can correct fine.Lake Country CCS Green x Menzerna PF2500 and Lake Country CCS Black x Menzerna SF4000 was used to correct these lenses. It is important to restore the UV blocking capabilities of the plastic by applying a sealant such as Wolf’s Chemicals Hard Body or Opti-Coat/Opti-Lens. We used two coats of Hard Body for this one.Following an IPA wipedown, the following gloss was visible, waiting to be coated. The paint was then coated with two layers of Wolf’s Chemicals Hard Body.All windows were coated with Wolf’s Chemicals Glass Guard.
The wheels were clayed, IPA’d and coated with two layers of Finish Kare FK1000P Hi-Temp Sealant. Before polishing, the paint looked like a flat, ugly yellow. Now the beautiful metallic fleck is highly visible. We hit the bay for the night photoshoot. Thanks for reading. If you’d like us to detail or photograph your pride and joy please do not hesitate to contact us at or (03) 9551 8153
Jerald Liu